As today was spent cleaning the house and watching the BYU vs. SDSU basketball game, I'll have to look to the game as my source of daily inspiration since the thought of even writing about cleaning makes me groan. But on to the game which was really great to watch. I was surprised to actually find myself caring about this game since I haven't really been invested in a basketball team since Adam Morrison was crying at mid-court against UCLA so many seasons ago (that one still hurts to think about). Watching so many people step up and make shots for BYU got me thinking about all of the volleyball teams that I have played for over the years and how rare it was to be on a team where everyone felt and played like an essential part of the team. That positive team energy is pretty elusive (especially when dealing with a bunch of crazy teenage girls) and so I feel really lucky to have had that with a select few teams. Most athletes pay lip service to wanting to win but it's a whole lot harder to actually put your personal wants behind what's best for the team and to have others do the same as well. Ah nothing like a little athletic nostalgia.
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