Typically this blog is for things that inspire me, but in my quest to be inspired on pinterest I was accosted by this image with the title "nutella brownie oreo cupcakes with nutella frosting". I mean really! I used to eat Nutella by the spoonful in Italy but even I think this is going too far. A brownie cupcake with an oreo shoved into it and covered in Nuttela, that is just crazy.

Wow, that is crazy! And looks delicious. My girls would be all over that. We've been through two jars of nutella since we arrived here, and when we're in Bologna we're going to the Nutelleria, where they have all things nutella. I'll let you know how it goes. I'm sure if Laura saw this she would tell me that this is what she wants for her birthday cake.
Sarita, I love that I have friends who head off to Bologna for the weekend. Way to live the dream! Eat a spoonful of Nutella while you're there in my honor.
The nutelleria is closed! So sad! I found pictures that people had taken of the menu, so we're going to try to recreate some of their concoctions, like the pizza, panino or 'cornflakes' (it's like a rice crispie treat, but the rice crispies are cornflakes and the marshmallows are nutella. It's actually my favorite, even though it sounds so weird). Or there are the ones that you expect like the crepe, waffle or ice cream.
When we were in bologna we took the train to florence for a day and I thought of you as I bumped into all the college students with their sketchbooks.
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